Teacher Resources


We live in an age where all of the resources that we need to succeed are right at our fingertips. If you have access to the internet and a mobile device or computer or if you can afford to buy books, then you have a large amount of the knowledge that you need. On this page you will find a few of my favourite resources. I’ll update as I find more.

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These are all books that I have read over the past year that I recommend for the beginning investor

Your Money Or Your Life

All about changing your relationship with money and working towards financial freedom.

The Simple Path To Wealth

Learning the value of long-term investing in index funds for a wealthy future. Really well explained for the novice investor.

The Barefoot Investor

Everything you need to know to get your finances in order.

I Will Teach You To Be Rich

An excellent guidebook for creating wealth

The Richest Man In Babylon

Written in 1926 this book explains the simple rules to follow to achieve wealth through several parables.

The Latte Factor

How reducing our spending and investing for the long term can change your life. Told through an engaging story.

assorted-title book lot placed on white wooden shelf


Stock Market GameThis is the stock market game that all of my Young Investors Club students participate in

Compound Interest CalculatorThis calculator is useful in planning for the future by seeing how much your investments will grow over time. You can also download the app to your phone. 


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I will only ever recommend products that I have used myself including books that I have already read.