About This Website

Man holding money to his head


Are you struggling to manage your money? Is your budget just not working and you can’t make ends meet? 

Do you feel that there are gaps in your personal finance knowledge? Do you want to learn how to make your money work for you? 

Are you stressed about money and wonder if you will ever have some kind of financial freedom? 

Or are you a school student craving to learn how to save and grow your wealth once you get your first job?

Does any of this sound familiar?

This website and the accompanying blog is set up just for you. It will help to fill in the gaps left by a lacking education system and provides some of the knowledge that many people feel are just ‘secrets of the rich’. 

couple, climbing, help

Who Is The Finance Teacher?

I’m Mark (The Finance Teacher). I am a teacher of Economics, Business and Personal Finance with over 20 years experience, mostly in international schools.  

Prior to becoming a teacher I worked in banking and finance in Australia. 

Something that still seems to be missing in most schools is the vital subject of personal finance. I am dedicated to changing that at my current school and to a larger extent through this website as well as through my newsletter.

When I was in my 20’s, I struggled financially, as I worked my way through university. I wish I had learnt all of this stuff then. Eventually though I found some answers. There are no real secrets, just knowledge that we all need to acquire in order to succeed. I hope you find that here!

Mark Ritchie

 Read a little more of my story here at “From Small Town Poverty To My Rich Life”

Difficult roads lead to beautiful destinations


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